Tuesday, August 14, 2007


jennyhope said...

Oh emmy your family is so precious! I am so glad that we got to meet! You are so blessed with your four kids I am sure you stay non-stop busy! I so want to have another baby but I just don't know if that is the Lords plan or not. It would be so hard and He would have to provide. My body is absolutely allergic to pregnancy!! Anyway, I am so glad you got your blog up and we cant share back and forth! love jenny

Kara Akins said...

Beautiful, beautiful family. I love pictures and I love children so thanks for posting yours! I saw you from LPM blog. I clicked on you b/c of your photo. I have six children - five girls and one boy.


Kara Akins said...

I looked at some more pics of your children. They have a sweet, soft look. You can tell they have a wonderful mother and family. Thanks for coming by my blog. The website for "Be Still, Get Real" will be up soon - definately mid Sept. That will give the locations and times of our events. All I know at this point is the Chattanooga event is Sept. 22nd. If you go to Scenic City's Womens Network in Chattanooga website you can get Chattanooga info. Where do you live?