Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My daughter and I are trying to figure out this Blog thing! : ) Well needless to say we can't figure out how to upload the pictures correctly so they are very random! And my boys I promise do sometimes get haircuts! I love peoples pictures so I thought I would post various ones of my kids and family etc!!! I wish I could write something profound...that I could share with everyone...but I am afarid that isn't my gift area! (Obviously figuring out how to post pictures isn't my gift area either (Computers!)
I have just been so ministered to by so many of your blogs I just needed a place that I could write back in forth to you all! So here is my mismatched BLOG! : )

But I do PRAY that the eyes of ALL of our hearts are ENLIGHTENED : ) ... IN ORDER that WE may KNOW the HOPE to which He has CALLED US! the RICHES of HIS GLORIOUS INHERITANCE in the saints, and HIS INCOMPARABLY GREAT POWER for us who BELIEVE!
Ephesians 1:18-19
God Bless you PRECIOUS GIRLS! Emmy : )

"Movie Star" in School Play!